
JavaScript I wrote:

Calculate the interest on a security deposit.

Play "What's My Word?" with scoring help.

Find the date of Easter in any Gregorian year.

Determine a 13-digit ISBN from a 10-digit ISBN

See how a book title changes with one letter removed

Learn your target heart rate for exercising

Metric Conversion:

Temperature conversion:

Fahrenheit to Celsius

Celsius to Fahrenheit

Weight conversion:

Pounds to kilograms

Kilograms to pounds

What's My Score?

What's My Word? is a great game, but the most challenging and least enjoyable part is the scoring of your opponent's guesses.

To Play:

One person selects a secret word. The other person tries to determine what the word is by offering guesses, which each must be a real word (this program will not test for that).

To Score:

If a guess word has the correct letter in the correct position of the secret word, the guesser gets 1000 points. If a guess letter is in the secret word but in a different position, the guesser gets 250 points.

To Use This Program:

Enter your secret word and then your opponent's guesses for each round, to get scores and a running total.

F5 will reset the score. Ctrl+F5 will reset the secret word.

Six-letter secret word:

Secret Word:
Round One:
Round Two:
Round Three:
Round Four:
Round Five:
Round Six:
Round Seven:
Round Eight:
Round Nine:
Round Ten:
Round Eleven:

Seven-letter secret word:

Secret Word:
Round One:
Round Two:
Round Three:
Round Four:
Round Five:
Round Six:
Round Seven:
Round Eight:
Round Nine:
Round Ten:
Round Eleven: